Monday, February 13, 2012

Our Nation is Starving

Have you ever seen someone begging for food or money? Does it make you want to help them? If so, you came to the right place. Today you can help feed people all around our country. Feeding America® is the nation's leading domestic hunger-relief charity. Their mission is to feed America's hunger through nationwide networks of food banks. They follow a Statement of Values, which guides them in all their actions and planning. Donate food or money to help those who are hungry now. If you do this, you are joining the fight to end America's hunger. By doing this, we will have a better economy, and therefore a better life. For more information, visit: .

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Melissa de la Cruz; No sólo otro autor

Ultimamente he estado leyendo libros aleatorias, pero me tropecé con uno que me gustó mucho. Es "Blue Bloods" por Melissa de la Cruz, y se basa en una versión diferente de vampiros o vampyres. En este libro, los vampiros son Ángeles que han expulsado del cielo por sus pecados, por lo que constantemente están tratando de obtener acceso al cielo. Un vampiro es un ser th en el aspecto de un ser humano, pero es muy bonita e inteligente. Se alimentan de la sangre de los seres humanos (o rojo sangre) pero no beber toda su sangre. Por el contrario, beben un poco, enlace humanos como un familiar humano. Es contra el código de conducta para beber toda una sangre humana familiars, por lo que beben un poco y dejar que la recuperación humana durante 48 horas. Se trata de un pequeño fondo que se explicará más detalladamente en el libro, por lo que sugiero a que usted lee si le interesa en absoluto. "Sangre azul" es una serie, por lo que no se pierda los otros libros! Por favor, comentario y quisiera saber qué piensa acerca de mi nuevo libro revisar y si debo seguir haciéndolo.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Melissa de la Cruz; Not just another author

Lately I have been reading random books, but I stumbled across one that I really liked. It is "Blue Bloods" by Melissa de la Cruz, and it is based on a different version of vampires, or vampyres. In this book, vampires are angels that have been kicked out of heaven for their sins, so they are consistently trying to gain access back to heaven. A vampire is a being th at looks like a human, but is very pretty and smart. They feed off the blood of humans (or Red Bloods) but do not drink all their blood. Instead, they drink a little, binding that human to it as a human familiar. It is against the Code of Conduct to drink all a human familiars blood, so they drink a little and let the human recover for 48 hours. This is a little background that will be explained in further detail in the book, so I suggest you read it if it interests you at all. "Blue Bloods" is a series, so don't miss the other books! Please comment and let me know what you think about my new book reviewing and if I should continue doing it.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Getting Serious

Okay, recently in my tech class we have been talking about blogging. If you are new or struggling with blogging, go to , and you will find anything you need to know. Please comment on my posts!!!!!!!!